Usually, cryptocurrencies change many wallets before the funds are cashed out. Following the coin trace and discovering who the person to do the cash out was is vital for finding your funds and identifying the scammer.
LifeWave will provide you with a number of services and technologies you won’t find anyplace else. For instance, we offer:
We provide a vast number of crypto trace services, including:
Our investigators use different tools and methods to investigate the coin movement and find the wallet owner. Some of our services include:
Once we finish with the investigation process, each customer gets the full report about uncovered facts. This report contains:
This report contains everything we uncovered during the crypto trace and crypto investigation phase. You will see the money path and who the owner of the final wallet is. Using this information, you can submit a dispute to the relevant authorities.
Crypto Investigative Services are specialized services that help track, trace, and investigate cryptocurrency transactions, wallets, and related criminal activities. These services use advanced blockchain analytics tools and forensic techniques to follow the money trail, identify suspicious patterns, and help recover stolen or fraudulent crypto assets.
You should consider hiring a Crypto Investigation Service if: - You've been a victim of cryptocurrency fraud or theft - You need to verify the source of crypto funds for compliance purposes - You're conducting due diligence on crypto transactions or business partners - You need to trace cryptocurrency transactions for legal proceedings - You suspect unauthorized cryptocurrency activities in your organization
Crypto Investigators typically use: - Blockchain analytics software to track transactions - Cryptocurrency forensics tools to analyze wallet activities - Chain analysis platforms to identify transaction patterns - Open-source intelligence (OSINT) tools to gather information - Digital forensics techniques to recover evidence - Network analysis tools to map relationships between wallets and entities - Compliance databases to check for connections to illicit activities